Access to this Website may involve the use of cookies. Cookies are small amounts of information which are stored in the browser used by each User —in the different devices that can be used to navigate— so that the server remembers certain information that later and only the server that implemented it will read. Cookies facilitate navigation, make it more user-friendly, and they do not damage the navigation device.

Cookies are automatic procedures for collecting information related to the preferences determined by the User during your visit to the Web Site in order to recognise you as a User and personalize your experience and the use of the Website, and can also, for example, help identify and resolve errors.

The information collected through cookies may include the date and time of Website visits, the pages viewed, time has been on the Website, and the sites visited just before and just after the same. However, no cookie allows the same contact with the User's telephone number or any other means of personal contact. No cookie can extract information from the User's hard drive or steal personal information. The only way that the private information of a User forms part of the Cookie file is if the user personally gives that information to the server.

Cookies that enable you to identify a person are considered personal data. Therefore, the same will apply to the Privacy Policy, as described above. In this sense, for the use of the same will be necessary for the consent of the User. This consent will be communicated, on the basis of a choice of authentic, offered through an affirmative decision and positive, before the initial treatment, removable and documented.

First-party Cookies

Son aquellas cookies que son enviadas al ordenador o dispositivo del Usuario y gestionadas exclusivamente por Venta de maquinaria industrias cárnicas, Agroalimentaria y Panificadora para el mejor funcionamiento del Sitio Web. La información que se recaba se emplea para mejorar la calidad del Sitio Web y su Contenido y su experiencia como Usuario. Estas cookies permiten reconocer al Usuario como visitante recurrente del Sitio Web y adaptar el contenido para ofrecerle contenidos que se ajusten a sus preferencias.

Cookies de redes sociales

Venta de maquinaria industrias cárnicas, Agroalimentaria y Panificadora incorpora plugins de redes sociales, que permiten acceder a las mismas a partir del Sitio Web. Por esta razón, las cookies de redes sociales pueden almacenarse en el navegador del Usuario. Los titulares de dichas redes sociales disponen de sus propias políticas de protección de datos y de cookies, siendo ellos mismos, en cada caso, responsables de sus propios ficheros y de sus propias prácticas de privacidad. El Usuario debe referirse a las mismas para informarse acerca de dichas cookies y, en su caso, del tratamiento de sus datos personales. Únicamente a título informativo se indican a continuación los enlaces en los que se pueden consultar dichas políticas de privacidad y/o de cookies:

To disable, reject and delete cookies

The User can disable, reject and delete the cookies —totally or partially— installed on your device through the settings on your browser (including, for example, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Explorer). In this sense, the procedures for rejecting and deleting cookies may differ from one Internet browser to another. In consequence, the User should refer to the instructions provided by the Internet browser you are using. In case you reject the use of cookies —totally or partially— you may continue to use the Website, although you may have limited the use of some of the benefits of the same.