Is composed of a vertical system for scald, which has the form of a tunnel with water for a given process. It has elements isolated in the form of a sandwich, lined on both sides of sheets of steel tuned, through it, which is easy to clean.
Machine designed for the heating of the animals, from the immersion of these in hot water
With this treatment it is intended that the pores of the skin of the animal, they will be open, so that the process of plucking the animal easier. The machine consists of a stainless steel, open at the top by means of which it is full of water.
The length of the tank depends on the production and the type of animal, because the parameters that we have that in the end it all translates into a time of stay. Taking this into account the times for the different animals are:
White pig 6 minutes 62nd
Iberian pork 4.5 minutes 60º
The bowl is equipped with the following items:
Water inlet: Controlled by a pneumatic valve, which is actuated by the system level.
Steam system: The heating of the water from the tank occurs by direct steam injection, the steam inlet is controlled by a valve gradual, which is activated by a PT100 probe temperature.
Drain: The machine is equipped with a manual valve to the drain. This drain is joined by a weir, so that all the excess water goes directly to the chest drain, without the water to overflow by the cuba.
The temperature can be controlled from the central panel of the slaughterhouse, by using a temperature controller. This can be programmable, since depending on the time of year or the breed of the animal, this can vary a few tenths of a degree, or even in some degree.
Cuba brewing constructed of stainless steel, both internally and externally, with mineral wool insulation, chassis profiles, hot-dip galvanised (self-supporting), provided, of entry of water and steam with diffusers.
The steam inlet can be equipped with a temperature control via electric valve modulated with adjustable thermostat. It consists of the corresponding drain.
The drag system provided drum constructed of stainless steel of big thickness that hosts 72 palastros also in stainless steel for the transport of the animal through the cuba of scald. Possible variation of the time of brewing.
Cuba brewing constructed of stainless steel, both internally and externally, with mineral wool insulation, chassis profiles, hot-dip galvanised (self-supporting), provided, in the same way, the input of water and steam with diffusers.
The steam inlet can be equipped with a temperature control via electric valve modulated with adjustable thermostat. It consists of the corresponding drain.
The drag system consists of a few combs built in profiles, galvanized, hot rolled A-42. Holders, retainers of great robustness transferred to the animal automatically during the brewing depositándole finally in the machine peeler-epilator. Variable at the time of brewing.